
Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatments Proven to Improve Hair Regrowth

Posted on: January 21st, 2022 by Dr. Christopher Crosby

Hair loss plagues men and women alike, and few treatment options exist to restore hair growth. Research shows platelet-rich plasma (PRP) may be an effective way to improve your hair follicle quantity and quality. The theory behind PRP treatments for hair loss is that the isolated platelets in your blood reach deep into the scalp to the bottom of the hair follicle, stimulating hair regrowth through dermal papilla cells.

Our dermatologists at Grossmont Dermatology Medical Clinic and Skin Cancer Treatment Center in La Mesa offer PRP treatments for men and women struggling with hair loss or skin concerns such as scarring, discoloration and signs of aging.

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Your blood is made of four main components: white blood cells, red blood cells, plasma and platelets. The platelets contain unique cell growth and regeneration factors and are five times more concentrated in PRP than a regular blood sample. Concentrated platelet-rich plasma secretes growth factors for better wound healing and regrowing tissue (or hair, in this case). Platelet-rich plasma is derived from a blood sample drawn from your arm and spun through a centrifuge to separate the blood components. The plasma in your blood rises to the top, while the PRP is concentrated in the lower portion of the vial and is typically a straw-like color.

Platelet-rich plasma has long been used to improve musculoskeletal conditions because of its healing factors. It has gained popularity lately in the skincare and plastic surgery fields for its ability to improve skin texture and tone. For hair regrowth, PRP is injected into the scalp. We recommend three initial sessions spaced one month apart with maintenance PRP treatments every three to six months.  

How Platelet-Rich Plasma Increases Hair Growth

Research published in Stem Cells Translational Medicine in 2015 studied the regenerative properties of PRP in plastic surgery to determine if the treatment is beneficial for hair loss. Researchers administered three treatments spread 30 days apart, and they discovered no side effects in the patients involved. They found the targeted area saw an increase of 33.6 hairs and more substantial hair density at the end of the treatment series, along with a minimal increase in small blood vessels seen around the hair follicles.

The men in the study were followed for up to 16 months, and four experienced hair loss again at the 12-month mark and were re-treated with PRP. Researchers ultimately concluded that PRP could positively impact male pattern hair loss without the risk of severe side effects. PRP may work most efficiently if combined with Rogaine, Propecia or another medication for hair loss.

Much of the research on hair loss and PRP is focused on androgenetic alopecia, which is hair loss caused by hormonal changes in men and women. There’s little evidence of PRP being beneficial for other forms of hair loss, including baldness caused by stress or autoimmune disease.

Learn More About Your PRP Treatment Options

Contact our experienced dermatologists in La Mesa if you are interested in PRP for hair loss or a skin concern. Schedule your consultation at Grossmont Dermatology Medical Clinic and Skin Cancer Treatment Center today.

Coastal Skin & Eye Institute/Grossmont Dermatology