We’re excited to announce we’ve merged with Grossmont Dermatology

Skin Cancer/Melanoma

What Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) Can Do For You

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a specialized treatment for pre-cancerous lesions. PDT uses a light-activated drug (or photosensitizing agent) to destroy pre-cancer cells without harming nearby tissues. The treatment triggers your body’s own immune system to strike the tumor cells...read more

Skin Cancer Treatment

Dermatologists in La Mesa, CA explain Mohs micrographic surgery for precise skin cancer removal

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. It is common, dangerous, and visible. When detected and treated early, the outlook is good for most skin cancers. In La Mesa, CA, the Board-certified dermatologists at Grossmont...read more

Skin Cancer Treatment

San Diego patients with skin cancer can find compassionate, effective treatment here

At Grossmont Dermatology Medical Clinic and Skin Cancer Treatment Center, patients in the San Diego area can enjoy quality care for a variety of skin and body concerns. Skin cancer is a serious diagnosis that should not be taken...read more

Coastal Skin & Eye Institute/Grossmont Dermatology